Disc Golf Glow Night

Disc Golf Glow Night Registration Form

First Christian Church Disc Golf Glow Night
Friday, March 24
Bailey Park, Camp Point, IL

This event is FREE and will consist of 2 rounds of disc golf and a light meal. Round 1 will begin at 4:00 PM and will give players a chance to play the course before sundown. A light meal will be served at 6:00 PM. Round 2, the glow round, will begin at 7:00 PM. LED lights, batteries, and tape will be available for the glow round (5 per person), free of charge.
This event is not a tournament. No prizes or recognition will be awarded.
The first 35 to register will receive a free disc the night of the event.

Questions about this event? Contact FCCCP at 217-593-6614 during office hours (M-F, 8 AM - Noon) or email fccsect@adams.net.

Follow First Christian Church of Camp Point on Facebook to stay up-to-date about this event.
If disc golf is your hobby and you are looking for a group of friends with the same interest, First Christian Church of Camp Point has a group of guys who play weekly. Text 217-577-6194 to join their seasonal, weekly competitions/play-throughs.