March 2025 - Volume 57 - Number 3

They Walked right out of the building.

As I was helping to greet people arriving for Sunday school, I noticed them walking up the stairs from the basement. You could not miss them—three young men in high school and three grown men. They walked right past me, out the front door, and got into a car in the church parking lot. And then, off they drove. There was no “Good morning,” or “Howdy do,” or “We’re just going to the coffee shop to get something to drink.” I was pretty sure it wasn’t something I had said, I had not talked to them yet. But there they went.

Later, during the service, I noticed they were all back in the building. They did not have any drink cups with them, so that is not where they stopped. After church I found out what had happened. They served communion to people in two nursing homes and at home for another. A few of them had served home communion before. For the others, it was their first time.

Taking home communion to others can be a bit intimidating and challenging, even when you have done it before. But when you do it with others, you can encourage each other, and the task is not quite as scary. If you aren’t sure this is something you can do, ask one of our high school students to go with you. He can show you the ropes. Sometimes, skipping Sunday school to serve others is a

better way to spend the morning.

Looking Ahead

March 10, Camp Fellowship will be here. We can use your help to prepare, serve, and clean up. Sign up at the Connection Center.

March 15, CFCAC Volunteer Day, Noon – 6 pm (or any part of the day you can help)

March 16, God’s Squad, a group of teens from Unionville First Christian Church (where Ryan Eidson preaches) will present a music and drama program at 6:00 pm.

April 12, Senior Saints Day at Lamoine Camp. Be sure to register. We will take the church van if you need a ride.

Thanks for reading,
Thank you
Dear First Christian Church,

Thank you so much for your generosity, both financially and spiritually. Your support made it possible for me to follow the Lord’s call on my life. The last eleven months on the mission field were far from what I expected. I thought I was being called to service, but in reality I was being called to inner transformation. The Lord took me through a process of being forged in the fire, turning my heart of flesh into one of clay – edified by and used as iron to sharpen my teammates, all the while walking out under His authority, holy and free.

He took what I once understood as religion and turned it into a relationship, one of deepened peace, trust, and affection. I have returned home a different person, having encountered God in new ways and seen facets of Him reflected in His people from all over the world – in ways that words cannot fully capture. And none of this would have been possible without you.

Thank you for your obedience, prayers, contributions, and sincere love which have made this a life-altering and spiritually awakening year.

May God bless you abundantly,

Mazi Gray